However, for the process to work from start to finish, it must meet the quality requirements, all the companies that make up the chain must do so. For Jordi Moré, from the leading industrial packaging group in Barcelona Embalex, those ultimately responsible for delivery must pay special attention to three key points:
- Physical integrity of the goods, that is, correct stowage and lashing.
- Necessary conditions of the goods such as humidity, light, temperature or any other type of protection system.
- Deliver the correct amount consigned, to avoid possible theft or robbery.
In addition to this quality regulation, two main regulations have emerged in recent years. By definition, ISO 14001:2015 represents the correct application of processes to protect the environment, prevent pollution, use resources sustainably, mitigate climate change, and protect biodiversity and ecosystems.
Finally, the general regulations define the requirements for the implementation of occupational health and safety management systems, that is, OHSAS18001 (based on ISO-45001).
Juan José Salvador, Quality Manager of the Embalex Group, explains that, beyond their differences, the three management systems have three basic principles: Continuous improvement to continuously improve the company, Principles of Occupational Risk and Pollution Prevention; and promote efficiency and effectiveness to optimize the use of resources.
We want to achieve the best quality for the packaging of your product, contact us and our engineering and design team will offer you an ideal solution for your product.